Why do heaven and earth last forever?
They do not live for themselves only.”

“One who would guide a leader of men in the uses of life will warn him against the use of arms for conquest.
Weapons often turn upon the wielder.
Where armies settle, nature offers nothing but briars and thorns.
After a great battle has been fought the land is cursed, the crops fail, the earth lies stripped of its Motherhood.
After you have attained your purpose, you must not parade your success, you must not boast of your ability, you must not feel proud; you must rather regret that you had not been able to prevent the war.
You must never think of conquering others by force.
Whatever strains with force will soon decay.
It is not attuned to the Way.
Not being attuned to the Way, its end comes all too soon.”

“Which means more to you, you or your renown?
Which brings more to you, you or what you own?”

When heaven wants to protect someone, does it send an army?
No, it protects him with love.”

Tao Te Ching by Lao-tzu

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